Saturday, August 13, 2016

Suicide Squad Review (2016)

Suicide Squad

  *sighhhhh* My initial reaction after watching this movie was, "It's flawed, but it's not that bad." Then I thought about it a little more and honestly, it really is that bad. 

  If you are a fan of this film, you might want to leave, because I'm about to rip Suicide Squad to shreds. 

  There are soooo many places I could go with this review and so many things I could bash, but I'm going to start with the biggest problem, and that is plot. Oh wait, there is none. The whole first half of this movie is gathering all of these big bad villains to form a team in case a bad version of Superman ever graces the planet. These introductions to the characters are done with the longest, choppiest montage scene in movie history, filled with expository information, and a theme song for each individual character. Not only is this extremely lazy writing, but it's also extremely lazy writing. Not to mention, non of these people are really that evil. They try to get us to sympathize with the characters so much and humanize them, that they lose that sense of evil in the first place. If anything, they're more like anti-heroes, which kind of defeats the whole point of watching a movie about the baddest bad guys.

  Speaking of which, our main bad guy is Enchantress played by Cara Delevingne. Aka, the worst villain of all time. When I first saw her, I thought she looked pretty dang creepy, and I actually liked where they were going with her character. Then suddenly, they decided to go bigger and I guess badder, by turning her into some sort of CGI, half-naked, goddess. All Enchantress did the whole movie was create more CGI slaves and dance weirdly in place. Yeah, you heard me correctly. She belly dances while she creates these CGI slaves. Keep in mind, when I say CGI slaves, I mean, like 2002 bad CGI slaves. Honestly, some of the worst CGI I've seen in recent years. Absolutely horrendous on all accounts.

   If there is any saving grace to this film, it is definitely Will Smith and Margot Robbie. Both actors are charming and charismatic, but they have nothing at all to work with. Their characters are cartoony and their dialogue is ridiculously stupid. It was like their lines were written just to be put on a gif on tumbler. All of this shouldn't be surprising, considering the script was written in six months and then rushed into production. It is very obvious that the studio has little regard for quality, so long as they're making that green. And that's essentially what this film is. It was created to be marketed. They literally devoted more screen time to Harley Quinn's butt, than they did to developing any of the characters. I mean, come on! And don't even get me started on the awful, lazy costume designing.

  Before I end this rant, I will tell you my thoughts on the Joker. A lot of people wanted to see Suicide Squad just because of him, myself included. If that's the case, you'll be severely disappointed. The Joker is hardly in the movie and what we do see of Jared Leto's seemingly solid performance is tampered with by weird, unnecessary editing.

   I know that there are people who had a good time with this movie. To them I say, good for you. We all want different things out of our films. What disappoints me the most, is that Suicide Squad has everything going for it and still misses the mark by a long shot. They went too big where it wasn't necessary, took no time to develop their characters or story, and never raised the stakes high enough for me to care about the end result. 2 out of 10 stars. (Not Very Good)

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